Prayer Prompts  Week 37 - September 9-14, 2024

Monday, September 9, Hebrews 9

Wow Purification and forgiveness through the blood of Christ

Thank you for tearing down the curtain that separated us, for making a way for us to be with You, for the description of the Tabernacle and how worship was performed in the past so that we can see how Christ is the perfect sacrifice. Thank You that we have direct access to You and don’t need a priest or ceremony.

Sorry we allow guilt, shame and the enemies lies to discourage us from coming to You for help in our time of need.

Help us to take advantage of this great privilege to come before the throne of God daily. Help us to not stay in the “outer court” but to come near to You.

Prayer Thank you for showing us how Christ became the perfect sacrifice for our sins and purified us. Thank You for showing us how worship used to be performed so that we can understand the significance of the veil that was torn when Jesus died on the cross and what that means for us. 

Song Charity Gayle - Thank You Jesus for the Blood (Lyrics)

Tuesday, September 10, Hebrews 10

Wow We have access to God through Christ

Thank you Jesus for tearing down the curtain that separated us from God. Thank You for the new covenant, for putting Your laws in our hearts and writing them on our minds. Thank You for not remembering our sins. Thank You for making us clean. Thank You that You see all of the troubles we have overcome.

Sorry for when we take for granted our access to God through Christ.

Help us to have patient endurance to continue to do Your will. Help us to continue to trust the You. Help us remember Your promises and to look forward to all You have awaiting us in eternity with You. 

Prayer Thank you for this great privilege, to be able to communicate to You through Jesus. Thank you that God does not remember our sins. Help us to endure persecution and to have endurance through trials. Strengthen us and give us wisdom. Help our trust in You to continue to grow. Thank you for writing your law on our hearts and minds. Let Your Holy Spirit continue to guide us. All in Jesus’ name amen.

Song Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, September 11, Hebrews 11

Wow So many great examples of faith. Without faith it’s impossible to please God. God rewards those who sincerely seek Him. By faith we will receive what God has promised us. By faith our weakness will be turned into strength.

Thank you for all of these stories, that You are a personal God and You tailor Your plans and ways based on how You have uniquely made us. that we can ask You for more faith. Thank You that mustard seed faith is sufficient to do great things.

Sorry we rely on our own strength, understanding, limited experiences, limited resources and the voices of those around us instead of looking to You. We doubt Your goodness, that You will come through for us. Sorry for our lack of acknowledgement and appreciation for all You do for us daily.

Help us to grow our faith and step out into what You’re calling us to do and be. Speak to us and show us the path and plan You have for us. Help us to encourage each other with our own stories of faith and Your dependability.

Prayer Thank You for these incredible stories of faith. Thank You that You have a plan for each of us. Help us to continually encourage each other with our own stories of the great things You are doing in our lives. Break down the barriers of doubt and fear that cloud our minds. Tune our ears and hearts to You and make Your voice louder than any other voice in our lives. Protect us from the fear of man as we step out in faith to serve You. What You ask us to do might not make sense in the world’s eyes. You chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. All in Jesus’ name amen.

Song Jennifer Schroeder - Fools For Christ's Sake - Red Letter Days - Lyric Video

Thursday, September 12, Hebrews 12

Wow We have a crowd of witnesses in Heaven watching us run our race. 

Thank you that we are Your children. Thank You for giving us Mount Zion instead of Mount Sinai; grace instead of the law, forgiveness instead of vengeance. Thank You that Your discipline yields a peaceful harvest of right living and strengthens us.

Sorry we let our sin weigh us down, we take for granted the great privilege of being a child of God. Sorry for when we stray from the plans You have for us. 

Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus and run our race with endurance. Help us to live peacefully with everyone and work at living a holy life.  Help us to look after each other so that we receive God’s grace.

Prayer Thank You that we are Your children. Help us to hear Your voice clearly and to follow Your directions. Give us wisdom. Thank You for Your grace and forgiveness. Please give us the strength and endurance to run our race. Make a way for us when there seems to be no way. Lord, we don't always know if we are being disciplined by You or if we are just going through trials. Either way, thank You that we can trust You have good plans for us. All in Jesus’ name amen.

Song Red Rocks Worship - Good Plans (Official Lyric Video)

Friday, September 13, Hebrews 13

Wow In showing hospitality we might be entertaining angels without realizing. God will never fail us or abandon us. God’s grace gives us strength.

Thank you for Your instructions in the Bible. Thank You for your promise to never fail us or abandon us, to be our helper and equip us with all we need. Thank You that You are the same, today and forever. Thank you for the strength that comes from God’s grace. Thank You for our brothers and sisters in Christ and our leaders.

Sorry we have neglected to serve others, in our homes, and out in the world.

Help those that are married to remain faithful and show honor to their spouse. Help us to be kind and serve those who are less fortunate than us, to be there for those who are mistreated, to be satisfied with what we have, to continue to give a sacrifice of praise to God, to be good followers of You and the leaders you have put over us.

Prayer Please protect us from false doctrine. Help us to do good and share with those in need. Show us all the ways we can be a blessing to others. Provide all we need to do Your will and give You glory. All in Jesus’ name amen.

Song Matthew West - Do Something 

Saturday (no assigned reading) Pray for the ministries of the church especially Awana beginning this Thursday.

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