Monday, Dec 23 – Revelation 18
WOW – Last chapter - an ungodly and depraved religious system suffered God’s judgement. Now Revelation records a future, evil political and economic entity of pervasive wickedness, probably a real city, symbolically or actually named Babylon (v2), which will be destroyed under God’s judgement (v8).
Thank you for your call for believers to rejoice because you will have righteously avenged the wrongs done against your people (v20).
Sorry for when my heart is more interested in secular activities instead of seeking Your Kingdom first.
Help us to hear your call to come out of the world and respond in humble obedience (v4).
Prayer: Father, thank you for the strong warning in this passage. We ask for grace and forgiveness over our own people and land; have mercy on us and grant us repentance. We praise you, for you are faithful and righteous. Hasten the day when the kingdoms of this world become yours, when Christ shall reign forever and ever.
Tuesday, Dec 24 – Revelation 19
WOW - Jesus has promised He would return. The moment of truth has arrived! Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, who is faithful and true, will finally return to confront a rebellious humanity. Hallelujah! (v11-16)
Thank you that we, the bride of Christ, will be called to the marriage supper of the Lamb! (v7)
Sorry for the times in my life when I’ve fallen short in my walk with Jesus, to whom salvation and glory and power belong to (v1).
Help - As I watch for the return of Jesus, keep me focused on you, so that I may live and work to Your praise and glory (v8).
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we praise you for your plan of redemption. Jesus is not only our almighty conquering King of kings. but He is also our Savior. I pray that your Holy Spirit would convict the hearts of many who have not yet trusted in Christ for salvation. Have mercy, Lord, and fulfill your plans and purposes for your own praise and glory.
Hallelujah Christmas by Cloverton HD
Wednesday, Dec 25 – Revelation 20
WOW - After Christ’s return, Satan will be imprisoned for 1000 years (v2), then released to work his evil intentions one last time (v7,8). Finally, in the final judgement against him, he will be cast into the lake of fire forever and ever. (v10)
Sorry that in light of your mercy, gifting me the salvation of my soul by grace through faith, and having my name written in your book of life, there are still areas of my life I don’t always surrender to you.
Thank you that by your wonderful, matchless grace we will not be standing before the Great White Judgement Throne of God. (v11,12)
Help me to unashamedly spread the gospel and warn others of the serious consequences that await those who reject your offer of redemption. (v15)
Prayer: Father, thank you for all who will have believed up to the tribulation, and for the multitude who will come to faith during the Tribulation period. Those who reject God's offer of salvation will be raised in the 2nd resurrection and have to face the Great White Throne Judgement and the 2nd death. We pray that you would use us in the time we have left to share the gospel, that many more will come to a knowledge of the truth and a saving faith in Christ.
Thursday, Dec 26 – Revelation 21
WOW - Creation will finally be free from the corruption of sin (v8,27). God will bring about a new heaven and new earth (v1-8), and He will dwell with us in person! (v3,22,23) Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us (John 14:2,3). Here is the new Jerusalem (v15,16 – a city roughly 1,400 x 1,400 x 1,400 miles in size!)
Thank you God that we can read about creation in Genesis all the way through to the formation of the new heaven and earth in Revelation (v1). You will wipe every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death, sorrow, crying or pain (v4). For your plan of redemption which starts and finishes in the Lord Jesus Christ (v6). For giving us the victory, not dependent on our merit or abilities, but on Christ who overcame on our behalf (v7). Thank you that all believers will be blessed to spend eternity basking in the light of Your glory (v23).
Help us to not lose sight of the wonderful and glorious future You have promised and planned for us.
Prayer: Father, thank you for the many admonitions in your Word about the importance of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and everlasting life. During these days when salvation is still available to anyone who trusts in Jesus, I ask that you be merciful, that many unbelievers would hear the good news of the gospel, be saved, and escape from the wrath to come.
Chris Tomlin - O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Lyric Video)
Friday, Dec 27 – Revelation 22
WOW - The curse of sin will be gone forever! Believers will dwell in God’s presence, will see His face, and will have His name written on their foreheads (v3,4). Jesus is coming quickly (v12); not necessarily immediate, but in what manner – sudden and unpredictable (Matt. 24:36).
Thank you, Jesus for the New Jerusalem, where we will freely be able to partake of the water of life and the tree of life (v1,2). For revealing to us the things which must take place (6). Your plan of redemption was established from the dawn of creation; You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end (v13). Thank you for the truth of your complete and unchangeable Word (v6,18,19).
Help me to be faithful in extending the invitation to sinners to come to Christ: "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come.' And let the one who hears say, 'Come.' And let the one who is thirsty come”.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we worship and praise you for your goodness and grace in sending your Son Jesus to be born, both fully man and fully God, so that by faith in Him we may be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your dear Son. Thank you for revealing your plans and purposes through the Holy Scriptures. We glorify your name, for your Word is faithful and true. We are so grateful for the assurance that Jesus Himself testifies to these things and tells us He is coming quickly. We finish this reading of Revelation proclaiming “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”
Michael W Smith - A New Hallelujah w/lyrics
Saturday, Dec 28 - Prayer for Effective Outreach - that many would come to salvation.
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