God wired each of us to have unique interests, passions and spiritual gifts. He designed it so that we feel the most alive when we are using them in His service and in the service of others. Here is a sampling of needs that we have around the church right now.

Do any sound like a perfect fit for you?

(Click on the image for a more detailed description)

  • Infant - 5th grade

    Kids Ministry

    Type content here...

  • Jr.High & Hs.School

    Next Gen. Ministry

    Type content here...

  • outreach

    committee members

    Type content here...

  • greeter/usher

    Welcome team

    Type content here...

  • band member

    Type content here...

  • Sound mixing

    Type content here...

  • photography

    Type content here...

  • Graphic & digital

    Content Creator

    Type content here...

  • CAFE


    Type content here...

  • parking

    Team members

    Type content here...


volunteer TEAM LEADERS! 

Windy City Church is run, almost literally, by our amazing volunteer team leaders! They take

ownership of so many areas of ministry that we had to brag about them a little bit here!

dennis //


Dennis has been a part of WCCC since it was conceived in a home Bible study. It has been a part of his life for over 30 years. He was an Elder for 27 years (20 of those, as the Chairman of the Elder Board), Church Treasurer, Bible teacher, care group leader, husband, father and friend. "I have been richly blessed by this community of believers that has been in continuous operation in this place for almost 100 years. We are walking the path that started here as Norwood Park Baptist Church in 1920 and merged with WCCC in 1997. Hundreds of men and women have come before us as teachers, ministers, club workers and care givers. We are here to continue the work of the Lord in the lives of everyone who passes through our doors or encounters us in our everyday lives. Most of the work we have to do is done in relationships. This is an exciting opportunity for me since much of what I have done in the past has been administrative and leadership, so this will be new. I look forward to this new role."

Carrie & STEVE //

Welcome TEAM directorS & Missions Committee Director

Steve & Carrie met in college and have been married just over 28 years. They have always lived in Chicago since being married and began attending WCCC in the spring of 1992. 

They have 2 adult children, Matthew 23, and Hannah 21. Steve works for Hilton Hotels and Carrie works at Trinity International University.

They have been involved in many different ministries during their time at WCCC. Having been part of the Sunday morning teams for a while, they are looking forward to taking more of a lead role in this ministry, overseeing the Greeters and Ushers. They feel that welcoming regular attenders and newcomers is a very important part of any church family. 



Rachael has called Windy City Church home since she was a baby. Rachael grew up attending Sunday services and being involved in various ministries throughout the years. She currently lives in Humboldt Park with two amazing roommates and works as a 3rd grade Teacher in a Chicago Christian School. Finding joy in serving others is what Rachael loves to do. This is seen in her faithful service in our media team for over 10 years. Her joy is to worship the Lord in all she does while making it easier for others to join into exalting the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Her prayer for our community is Ephesians 3 :16-21:  "that we may grasp how wide and long and high and deep the love of Christ is and may know this love that surpasses knowledge that we may be filled to the measure of fullness of God..to God be the glory." 

nancy //

food pantry Director

On the last Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 8:00pm you'll find Nancy and her team at the Windy City Food Pantry greeting guests and helping to provide people and families in our area with the groceries they need. Windy City is proud to say the Food Pantry has been a ministry at WCCC for over 20 years! Today, fueled by a desire to help others, thousands of meals are provided each year by the outpouring of Nancy and her team's vision. 

Russ & WENDY //

sunday cafe directorS

More details about this amazing couple coming soon!