Community Easter egg Hunt!
Details, Details, Details!
Hello and Happy Easter!
Although we can’t celebrate Easter as we’d like, we can still celebrate that Jesus is ALIVE!
We have partnered with neighborhood churches to create an interactive Easter experience for you and your family while maintaining social distance! We have created a scavenger hunt throughout the neighborhood to tell the story of Easter. Each location has a large Easter egg with part of the story and a verse. There are 10 locations! Most eggs will be displayed so that you don’t have to even get out of your vehicle.
Below is a map of the various locations and a worksheet where you can match the verse on the egg to the corresponding part of the story! You can start at any location you choose and don’t have to worry about following any particular order. You can do this anytime after Noon on Thursday through Easter Sunday. Our prayer is for this to be a fun way for your family to reflect on the truth or Easter.
Please reach out to us at if you have any questions.
“He is not here. He has Risen, just as He said.” Matthew 28:6
Happy Easter and Live Loved,
Windy City Community Church
Link to Map:
Click here to view and interactive Easter story!