View pictures from: Avalanche 2017
*What: Join us for an incredible weekend with old and new friends, great food, a live band, high-energy activities, team competitions, small group discussion, and encouraging and challenging large group messages from the Bible, and team competitions. Activities include daytime and nighttime tubing, a toboggan slide, (They have a snow making system, so as long as it is cold, they will have snow), broom ball on the frozen lake, ice skating, game room (ping pong, foosball, carpetball, and air hockey), full-sized gym (basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, etc.), and playing board games while enjoying your favorite snacks next to the fireplace in the Canteen.
*When: January 5-7, 2018
*Where: Camp Awana, 9025 Camp Awana Road, Fredonia, WI 53021.
*Why: Because middle schoolers are awesome!
What To Bring:
Pillow, Sheets (Camp Mattress is Twin Size) and sleeping bag or blanket, winter coat, gloves, hat, snow boots, warm clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, towels, deodorant, Bible, pen, notebook, flashlight, shoes for the gym, and spending money for the Canteen Snack Shop.
What Not To Bring:
Cell phone*, Bikes, Radios/CD players/MP3 Players, Comic Books, Knives, Guns, Other Weapons, Cigarettes, Drugs, Alcohol, Fireworks, Pornography, Refrigerators, Gum, and Skateboards. This is not an exhaustive list. Please use good judgment. If there is doubt that you should bring it to Camp, please do not pack it.
*Cell phones will be collected from each camper the first day of camp, and returned to them on the last day. This will be strictly enforced. It is better to leave cell phones at home.
Dress Code:
Please pack school appropriate clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.
~Girls’ attire is required to promote modesty and be free of questionable sayings/logos/images. Halter-tops and strapless tops will not be allowed. Shoulder straps on tank tops must be at least two-finger-width wide. Any tops that reveal undergarments (or lack thereof) are not allowed. Shorts must longer than thumb length when arms are at sides. Campers whose attire does not meet these standards will be asked to change.
~Boys’ attire must be school appropriate and free of questionable sayings/logos/images. Boxers or other undergarments (or lack thereof) should not be visible. Campers whose attire does not meet these standards will be asked to change.
All medication (prescription/over the counter) is required to be handed into a leader at drop-off and will be kept by the camp nurse. Please send all necessary medicines clearly labeled with campers name in a Ziploc bag. Epi-pens, inhalers and other rescue devices will be held by the camper (or his/her leader).
Over the counter medications needs to be in the original packaging. This includes vitamins and supplements. Blister packaging is preferred, but not required. Please note the dose and times usually taken. Prescription medication needs to be in the bottle from the pharmacy with the patient label. No pills that are loose in a pill box or hand labeled container can be given. Please check all expiration dates. Out of date medication cannot be given.
Dietary Needs/Concerns:
Due to the variety/varying degrees of food allergies and dietary preferences their kitchen in not able to accommodate everyone. If your camper requires a special diet we ask that you supplement our menu with easy-prep food that is knowingly safe for them to eat. We have found that sending food items in a Rubbermaid container labeled with their name works best. They have a microwave and a small amount of refrigerator space available for them to use.
Here is our menu:
Evening Snack: Hot Dogs, Fries, Brownie, Juice
Breakfast: Pancakes, Sausage, Oatmeal, Milk, Juice
Lunch: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Rolls, Gravy, Oranges, Ice Cream Bar, Juice, Water
Dinner: Pasta Noodles, Meat Sauce, Focaccia Bread, Salad, Dressing, Cake or Cookie Bar, Juice, Water
Evening Snack: Pizza and Juice
Breakfast: Eggs with Bacon inside, Toast, Creme of Wheat, Juice, Milk
Lunch: Roast Beef, Roasted Potatoes, Corn, Rolls, Gravy, Peaches and Pears, Juice, Water, Cookies
Emergency Phone Number:
If you need to reach the camp while we are there, please call 262-692-2388. They answer this line 24hr/day while Camp is in session. Please reserve late night/early morning hours for emergencies only. Also note that your child may not be readily available to take your call as he/she is out on the grounds and not in our office. We will do our best to make sure your call is returned promptly.
More questions? Email Jr. High Take-Over Leader Eileen!